Students of rural areas are familiar with the various art and skill of their region, but along with getting higher education, they leave behind the traditional works and arts, which are the heritage of culture. Based on such experiences, Institution, along with core subjects has added applied courses, so that the student's tendency towards art skills would be larger and they could be helpful in their family business and work. These subjects are practical oriented, which lay a base for vocational development of our rural students. Students have to elect any one subject of seven subjects for two years that evolve ability in a particular field, which can be taken as a profession later.


The medium of acquainting oneself with their inner talents is handicraft. In general the student does not know how much skill, she is acquiring. Students' abilities and confidence increase during two years of practical oriented work of handicraft. After graduation, student, adopt it like self-employment and can promote the skill, as it has a special place in field of art.

Sewing Technique

Sewing Technique is a useful skill whose demand can never end. This skill can be made as your source of income, through self-employment, by working in business organization or working from your home. Whether in rural area or urban area, it is always excessively useful.

Food Preservation

Along with the change in food habits, the importance of this subject has also increased. This subject is also important and useful for storage and safety of food items for longer time at the domestic level, promotion of small-scale industries of food items, and appropriate use of produced crops. Students can get more profit by producing good quality food at low cost.

Physical Education and Yoga

This subject has the objective of building physically and mentally fit young rural women, who in future will contribute in building a fit and developed nation. The students study various theoretical and practical aspects of physical fitness, health and nutrition, Yoga, recreation, National and International games, sports injuries and training, along with knowledge of sports. Students can take up Physical education as their profession by pursuing B.P.Ed. Course or in Yoga by pursuing diploma in yoga.