Kasturba Gandhi national memorial trust,was established in 1945 by Mahatma Gandhi , to commemorate Kasturba Gandhi ,who passed away on 22nd of February, while in jail for participating in Quit India movement.
The mandate of the trust was serving the needs and work for empowerment of poor, rural women and children in India. The trust is in 76 th year of its existence and has served with exemplary devotion, and commitment. The trust serves primarily through education,agriculture,
Social activism for reforms, micro finance schemes, entrepreneurship, and shelter and support to needy ,or distressed women for their rehabilitation dignity and independence.The trust serves through rural service centers in villages in 24 states of India .
Kasturbagram, in Indore district of Madhya pradesh is a model village developed to house the central office of the national trust,along with training and education of women for demonstration and educational activities.
Kasturbagram rural Institute is the prime educational unit of KGNMT,established in 1963, as an initiative of National Council of Rural higher education ,Government of India , in collaboration with Kasturba gandhi National Memorial trust and partial financial support ,initially from Government of India,and later Government of MP. Kasturbagram Rural Institute is the only Rural Institute ,exclusively for rural women , and
Is the last rural institute established under NCRI.
The institute is affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidhyalay Indore(1969), has an Autonomous status(1989), and has been rated as a B grade Institution, by NACC.
At present the institution offers undergraduate courses in Arts,Science(Home science and Science- Biology,)and commerce with computer and Postgraduate courses in Rural extension and Sociology .As a government supported affiliate autonomous institution ,of DAVV,The Rural Institute is committed to conform to functional and curriculum norms of the Government of MP,DAVV,and UGC.Being a part of a national movement started by Mahatma Gandhi,entails a bigger, additional responsibility.Mahatma jee was a practical man ,and an educational philosopher. To him the objective of real education was an all round drawing out of the best in child and human being- in body,mind and spirit-to prepare her for life reinforced with knowledge ,judgement,livelihood skills ,and a set of life values,character and culture. The objective is not only to empower the rural women ,but through her the rural life .
A special feature of this Institute is extension education in all classes at all levels. This creates an awareness and sensitises the student to contemporary rural life,environment and basic ,crucial issues.The purpose Is to return the student to the rural society ,equipped with Aptitude,motivation and skills to be a pathfinder and a creator- leader of desirable,progressive change in rural community life.
During their stay here ,the students are exposed to value based lifestyle in a Gandhian ashram . Dignity of individual, dignity of labour , community prayer and Spirituality, equality of all religions , essential manual labour to meet daily needs, learning by doing and learning through crafts, entrepreneurship ,freedom of expression along with developing views and expressing them.
physical well being, is essential for emotional stability , and intellectual acumen. Yoga,exercise,games and sports are an essential part of educational and community living here.
Education of rural women ,is not an aberration any more . It is the norm. Kasturbagram Rural institute ,with all its resources,plans to provide the best, and with dedication commitment and zeal, aims for excellence.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideology on Education
Mahatma Gandhi was a practical educational Philosopher. His definition on education gives an insight into his philosophy of education. By true education he means “An all round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.’’
The believed that revolutionary change in educational system for rural India can help to uplift and bring social revolution.
Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust is one of the oldest, pre-independence, non- governmental institution serving the cause of needy women and children of rural India, was founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1945. Kasturbagram Rural Institute under the patronage of KGNMT is a bridge between education and women of rural community.
In this institution, an effort is being made to implement the principles of his ideology of “Nai Talim”-the Basic Education, is being practiced here. It aims at providing higher education to rural girls and making them self reliant by enabling them to acquire knowledge and skill in practical, acquire qualities of a good citizen and grow into an environment loving individual.